You found an exciting summer job for five weeks. It pays, say, $15.50 per hour. Suppose that the total tax you pay on your summer job income is 14%. After paying the taxes, you spend 10% of your net income to buy new clothes and other accessories for the next school year and 1% to buy school supplies. After buying clothes and school supplies, you use 25% of the remaining money to buy savings bonds. For each dollar you spend to buy savings bonds, your parents spend $0.50 to buy additional savings bonds for you. Using C++, write a program that prompts the user to enter the pay rate for an hour and the number of hours you worked each week. The program then outputs the following:
- Your income before and after taxes from your summer job.
- The money you spend on clothes and other accessories.
- The money you spend on school supplies.
- The money you spend to buy savings bonds.
- The money your parents spend to buy additional savings bonds for you.
Write the Code:
/* Project: Summer Job Description: User inputs hourly wage and hours worked. Program calculates budget and outputs results. */ #include <iostream>; using namespace std; int main() { float wage = 0; float hoursWorked = 0; float totalPay = 0; float afterTaxes = 0; float clothingCost = 0; float schoolSuppliesCost = 0; float savingsBonds = 0; float remainingMoney = 0; float parentsBonds = 0; cout << "Please enter your hourly wage:"; cin >> wage; cout << "\nPlease enter the hours worked per week:"; cin >> hoursWorked; totalPay = hoursWorked * wage * 5; cout << "\nAfter five weeks, your total pay before taxes is $" << totalPay; afterTaxes = totalPay * .86; cout << "\nAfter taxes, you made $" << afterTaxes; clothingCost = afterTaxes * .1; cout << "\nYou paid $" << clothingCost << " for clothing"; schoolSuppliesCost = afterTaxes * .01; cout << "\nYou paid $" << schoolSuppliesCost << " for school supplies"; remainingMoney = afterTaxes - clothingCost - schoolSuppliesCost; savingsBonds = remainingMoney * .25; cout << "\nYou paid $" << savingsBonds << " for savings bonds."; parentsBonds = savingsBonds * .5; cout << "\nYour parents paid an additional $" << parentsBonds << " for savings bonds."; return 0; }