The database Microland.accdb is maintained by the Microland Computer Warehouse, a mail-order computer-supply company. Table 1 through 3 below show parts of three tables in the database. The table Customers identifies each customer by an ID number and gives, in addition to the name and address, the total amount of purchases during the current year prior to today. The table Inventory identifies each product in stock by an ID number and gives, in addition to its description and price (per unit), the quantity in stock at the beginning of the day. The table Orders gives the orders received today.
Table 1: Customers
Table 2: Inventory
Table 3: Orders
Suppose that it is now the end of the day. Write a program that uses the three tables to do the following two tasks.
(a) Display in a list box the items that are out of stock and those that must be reordered to satisfy today’s orders. See the figure below:
(b) Display in a list box bills for all customers who ordered during the day. Each bill should show the customer’s name, address, items ordered (with costs), and total cost of the order. See the figure below:
- You will first need to place the Microland.accdb (an Access Database) into the bin/Debug folder of your project.
- If you do not have Microsoft Office on your computer, click on to download a driver which will allow you to work with this feature
- When you have finished linking the tables to your project, you should have the following objects showing in the form’s component tray: BindingSource1, MICROLANDDataSet, CustomersTablesAdapter, BindingSource2, InventoryTableAdapter, BindingSource3, and OrdersTableAdapter.
Suggested Control Names and Attributes:
Name Property | Text Property | Control Type | Notes |
frmMicroland | Microland | Form | Holds Controls |
btnStock | Out of Stock Items | Button | Triggers event to display out of stock items which need to be reordered. |
btnBills | Bills for Today’s Orders | Button | Triggers event to display bills for all orders that were placed today. |
lstOutput | ListBox | Displays either out of stock items or customer bills. |
Write the Code:
' Project: Orders and Inventory Management ' Description: Program uses three databases to track orders, customers and inventory for items. ' User clicks on "Out of Stock" button to determine which items need to be ordered ' User clicks on "Bills for Today's Orders" to see a summary of each customer and their order details ' for the current day Public Class frmMicroland ' Declare global variables Structure OutOfStock Dim itemNumber As String Dim description As String Dim startQty As Integer Dim numOrdered As Integer Dim endQty As Integer End Structure Dim outOfStockArray() As OutOfStock Structure Customer Dim customerID As Integer Dim name As String Dim street As String Dim city As String End Structure Dim customerArray() As Customer Structure Order Dim customerID As Integer Dim qtyOrdered As Integer Dim description As String Dim pricePerItem As Double Dim totalPrice As Double End Structure Dim orderArray() As Order Private Sub frmMicroland_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.OrdersTableAdapter.Fill(Me.MicrolandDataSet1.Orders) Me.InventoryTableAdapter.Fill(Me.MicrolandDataSet1.Inventory) Me.CustomersTableAdapter.Fill(Me.MicrolandDataSet1.Customers) End Sub Private Sub btnStock_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnStock.Click DisplayIntroComments() CreateStockArray() CombineDuplicateItems() DisplayOutOfStock() End Sub Private Sub btnBills_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnBills.Click lstOutput.Items.Clear() CreateCustomerArray() CreateOrderArray() DisplayOutput() End Sub Sub DisplayIntroComments() ' Display the first few lines of comments when the "Out of Stock" button is pressed lstOutput.Items.Clear() lstOutput.Items.Add("Here are the items that are out of") lstOutput.Items.Add("inventory or must be reordered.") lstOutput.Items.Add("") lstOutput.Items.Add("The numbers shown give the") lstOutput.Items.Add("minimum reorder quantity required.") lstOutput.Items.Add("") End Sub Sub CreateStockArray() ' Create a query from items in Orders and Inventory tables Dim query = From order In MicrolandDataSet1.Orders Join item In MicrolandDataSet1.Inventory On order.itemID Equals item.itemID Let itemNumber = order.itemID Let description = item.description Let startQuantity = item.quantity Let numberOrdered = order.quantity Select itemNumber, description, startQuantity, numberOrdered ' Populate query into array for manipulation ReDim outOfStockArray(query.Count - 1) For i = 0 To (query.Count - 1) outOfStockArray(i).itemNumber = query(i).itemNumber outOfStockArray(i).description = query(i).description outOfStockArray(i).startQty = CInt(query(i).startQuantity) outOfStockArray(i).numOrdered = CInt(query(i).numberOrdered) outOfStockArray(i).endQty = 0 Next End Sub Sub CombineDuplicateItems() ' Consolidates duplicates for items sold to calculate stock For i = 0 To (outOfStockArray.Count - 1) For j = 0 To (outOfStockArray.Count - 1) If i <> j Then If (outOfStockArray(i).itemNumber = outOfStockArray(j).itemNumber) Then ' combine the qty sold and set the duplicate to 0 outOfStockArray(i).numOrdered += outOfStockArray(j).numOrdered outOfStockArray(j).numOrdered = 0 End If End If Next Next End Sub Sub DisplayOutOfStock() ' calculate the end quantity of each item and display items which need to be ordered Dim numberToOrder As Integer = 0 For i = 0 To (outOfStockArray.Count - 1) outOfStockArray(i).endQty = outOfStockArray(i).startQty - outOfStockArray(i).numOrdered If outOfStockArray(i).endQty <= 0 Then numberToOrder = -(outOfStockArray(i).endQty) lstOutput.Items.Add(outOfStockArray(i).itemNumber & " " & numberToOrder & " " & outOfStockArray(i).description) End If Next End Sub Sub CreateCustomerArray() ' Create a query of only those customers which placed an order Dim query = From customer In MicrolandDataSet1.Customers Join order In MicrolandDataSet1.Orders On customer.custID Equals order.custID Let customerID = customer.custID Let name = Let street = customer.street Let city = Select customerID, name, street, city Distinct ' Populate query results into array for manipulation ReDim customerArray(query.Count - 1) For i = 0 To (query.Count - 1) customerArray(i).customerID = CInt(query(i).customerID) customerArray(i).name = query(i).name customerArray(i).street = query(i).street customerArray(i).city = query(i).city Next End Sub Sub CreateOrderArray() ' Create a query from orders and inventory Dim query = From order In MicrolandDataSet1.Orders Join item In MicrolandDataSet1.Inventory On order.itemID Equals item.itemID Let itemNumber = order.itemID Let customerNumber = order.custID Let quantity = order.quantity Let description = item.description Let pricePerItem = item.price Select itemNumber, customerNumber, quantity, description, pricePerItem ' Populate query into array for manipulation ReDim orderArray(query.Count - 1) For i = 0 To (query.Count - 1) orderArray(i).customerID = query(i).customerNumber orderArray(i).qtyOrdered = CInt(query(i).quantity) orderArray(i).description = query(i).description orderArray(i).pricePerItem = CDbl(query(i).pricePerItem) orderArray(i).totalPrice = orderArray(i).qtyOrdered * orderArray(i).pricePerItem Next End Sub Sub DisplayOutput() Dim totalPrice As Double = 0 For i = 0 To (customerArray.Count - 1) totalPrice = 0 ' Display customer information lstOutput.Items.Add(customerArray(i).name) lstOutput.Items.Add(customerArray(i).street) lstOutput.Items.Add(customerArray(i).city) lstOutput.Items.Add("") ' Display order details For j = 0 To (orderArray.Count - 1) If customerArray(i).customerID = orderArray(j).customerID Then lstOutput.Items.Add(CInt(orderArray(j).qtyOrdered) & " " & orderArray(j).description & " " & ((orderArray(j).totalPrice).ToString("C"))) totalPrice += CDbl(orderArray(j).totalPrice) End If Next ' Display total cost for current customer lstOutput.Items.Add("Total Cost: " & (totalPrice).ToString("C")) lstOutput.Items.Add("") Next End Sub End Class