Using Visual Basic, write a program that will allow the user to enter the follow employee data: First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Employee Number, Department, Telephone Number, Telephone Extension, and Email Address. The valid selections for department are Accounting, Administration, Marketing and MIS, and Sales. Once the data has been entered, the user should be able to save it to a sequential file of type LSV (Line Separated Values). The following figure shows the form. Suggested Control Names and Attributes:
Name Property | Text Property | Container | Control Type | Notes |
frmEmployeeDataPart1 | Employee Data | N/A | Form | Holds Controls |
grpEmployeeData | Enter Employee Data | frmEmployeeDataPart1 | GroupBox | Contains controls for input |
txtFirstName | grpEmployeeData | TextBox | Captures first name | |
txtMiddleName | grpEmployeeData | TextBox | Captures middle name | |
txtLastName | grpEmployeeData | TextBox | Captures last name | |
txtEmployeeNumber | grpEmployeeData | TextBox | Captures employee number | |
cboDept | grpEmployeeData | ComboBox | Select department * | |
txtTelephone | grpEmployeeData | TextBox | Captures phone number | |
txtExtension | grpEmployeeData | TextBox | Captures phone extension | |
txtEmail | grpEmployeeData | TextBox | Captures email address | |
btnSave | &Save and Record | frmEmployeeDataPart1 | Button | Triggers event to save record |
btnClear | C&lear | frmEmployeeDataPart1 | Button | Triggers event to clear form |
btnExit | E&xit | frmEmployeeDataPart1 | Button | Triggers event to exit program |
* Set the DropDownStyle property to DropDownList.
- Use the name Employees.txt for your text file.
- When you create the text file, use only the file name and not the folder. Visual Basic assumes that the file location is in the bin/Debug folder.
- Note that all of the controls for input are contained in a GroupBox. The buttons are not.
- The input for departments should be a DropDownList with style ComboBox. This means the user must choose an option and not type in a response.
- After each record has been input, the form needs to be cleared before entering the next record by pressing the “Clear” button.
- After each record has been input, the user needs to press the “Save” button in order to write that data to the file.
Write the Code:
' Project: Employee Data Part 1 ' Description: Program receives input from the user and assigns the values to variables. ' When the user clicks save, the input is added to a text file until the user exits the program. Imports System.IO Public Class frmEmployeeDataPart1 ' Declare global variables Dim fileName As String Dim firstName As String Dim middleName As String Dim lastName As String Dim employeeNumber As Integer Dim department As String Dim telephone As String Dim extension As Integer Dim emailAddress As String Dim valid As Boolean = True Private Sub frmEmployeeDataPart1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Do fileName = InputBox("Input Needed", "Enter the name of the file.") If fileName = Nothing Or fileName = "" Then MessageBox.Show("No file name entered.") Else Exit Do End If Loop End Sub Private Sub btnSave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click valid = True ' reset value to account for prior invalid input InputData() If valid = True Then WriteDataToFile() Else InputData() End If End Sub Private Sub btnClear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click txtFirstName.Text = "" txtMiddleName.Text = "" txtLastName.Text = "" txtEmployeeNumber.Text = "" cboDepartment.SelectedIndex = -1 txtTelephone.Text = "" txtExtension.Text = "" txtEmail.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub btnExit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click ' Ends the program when the user clicks on the Exit button End End Sub Sub InputData() ' populate the variables firstName = txtFirstName.Text If (firstName.ToUpper >= "A") And (firstName.ToUpper <= "Z") Then firstName = firstName Else valid = False MessageBox.Show("First Name must start with a letter") End If middleName = txtMiddleName.Text If (middleName.ToUpper >= "A") And (middleName.ToUpper <= "Z") Then middleName = middleName Else valid = False MessageBox.Show("Middle Name must start with a letter") End If lastName = txtLastName.Text If (lastName.ToUpper >= "A") And (lastName.ToUpper <= "Z") Then lastName = lastName Else valid = False MessageBox.Show("Last Name must start with a letter") End If Try employeeNumber = CInt(txtEmployeeNumber.Text) Catch MessageBox.Show("You must enter an integer for Employee Number.") valid = False End Try If cboDepartment.SelectedIndex <> -1 Then department = cboDepartment.Text Else valid = False MessageBox.Show("You must select a department.") End If telephone = txtTelephone.Text Try extension = CInt(txtExtension.Text) Catch MessageBox.Show("You must enter an integer for Extension.") valid = False End Try emailAddress = txtEmail.Text End Sub Sub WriteDataToFile() ' write the data to the file Dim sw As StreamWriter = File.AppendText(fileName) sw.WriteLine(firstName) sw.WriteLine(middleName) sw.WriteLine(lastName) sw.WriteLine(employeeNumber) sw.WriteLine(department) sw.WriteLine(telephone) sw.WriteLine(extension) sw.WriteLine(emailAddress) sw.Close() MessageBox.Show("Record Saved. Please clear the form and enter additional records or exit.") End Sub End Class